Pressrelease från UET rörande drivningar i VM-loppet

UET:s styrelse har idag genom sin ordförande Marjaana Alaviuhkola gjort ett uttalande kring de mycket kraftiga drivningar som syntes i VM-loppet på amerikanska Yonkers i helgen. Hon kallar drivningarna oacceptabla och skriver att den typen av körning självklart är förbjudet inom UET. Svensk Travsport ställer sig bakom UET i deras uttalande. Hela pressreleasen kan du läsa nedan.

Press Release

European trotting sport has in several occasions been represented at the International Trotting championships at Yonkers racetrack. So also this year with horses and drivers from Norway, Denmark, France, Sweden and Italy. A Norwegian bred horse, Cokstile, trained by an Italian trainer and driven by an Italian driver won the race. The behaviour of the driver of Cokstile, Vincenzo Piscuoglio Dell'Annunziata, was unfortunately totally unacceptable with severely abusing the horse by using the whip hardly several times.

This kind of driving is of course forbidden in the UET-countries and if such a behaviour would occur it would render to a hard punishment. UET strongly disassociates this kind of handling of trotting horses in a race and actively works for the general welfare of horses on all levels.

Monday October 17, 2022

Marjaana ALAVIUHKOLA - President

Publicerad måndag 17 oktober 2022.